Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Since that day,I never looked back.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I also don't wish this will happen. But......

Monday, June 18, 2012

This is gonna be a long long post.So take a deep breath and read....

I finished my Foundation
Finally,I had completed 1 of the most toughest Pre-U in the whole Malaysia.Results were fine,as long as I do not have to retake subjects.But here,it marks an end,an end to my Pre-U life,my friends at UTAR PJ.Thanks for giving me an unforgettable year.The laughters,the memories and not to forget,the stress =_='''.
   During the finals,I was studying like there is no tomorrow.Nights where awake until 4am and woke up at 6am to go for exam.Luckily its just 1 week~Even after finals,I had my rest for one week,before continuing my next step.

Unforgettable Part-Time Job
After the so-called break from exam,I head down KL and landed on a job as 'slides operator' in an international event.Its quite interesting to see a bunch of doctors/surgeons having intellectual stimulations,which we can't see here =D.Gained a few pounds from eating the heavenly food at work.First time working with so many Australians,not mentioning their slang is quite unusual.This is the last time I met my UTAR friends,and after this job ended,everyone started going ahead with their lives.

My future undertaking
Making a drastic step to change my course to another university.Not only surprises friends,but also surprises myself.But honestly,I had drafted out my plans for the next 3-5 years ahead and I make sure I made the first right step.A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Enlightenment from NAC
Attended National Achievers Congress(NAC) at Sunway Pyramid for 3 days.The seminar consists of numerous renowned speaker.And that's included my inspirational figure,Robert Kiyosaki and also his wife,Kim Kiyosaki.Gained alot throughout the seminar and finally I had fulfilled my wish of seeing Robert Kiyosaki live on stage.
      He is just as controversial as his books.I clearly remembered what he quotes until today,'If you do not think money is important,then why you have to work 10 hours a day for it?' and also 'PhD=Poor.Helpless.Desperate'.This convinces me to stay true to what my hearts says and does.Taking risk to walk to the path that less taken.

Officially pursuing degree,and class started
Class started and I need to travel at least 45mins to attend classes daily.Quite tough but I won't easily give up.Once a choice is made,there is no turning back!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's been a while since the last post on March back then.I usually tweet some of my thoughts and if it is long,maybe I consider to post on this blog.Yeah,struggling with this last semester and will off to...degree!!!!
Lets put that aside and straight to the main point.

Life in a city
It's been 1 year living in a city,the heart of Malaysia.Imagine,a guy growing up in a small town,coming to a big city.I admit that I'm a little too conservative in certain things.Studying here really opened up my eyes and my perspection towards life.

#1:People mountain people sea
In KL,there are damn fucking lots of people,not mentioning everyone are different.And wherever there's people,theres alot of of conflict,and thus many life dramas.Gossiping,back-stabbing is not uncommon here.And to a certain extent,I'm so fed up of it.Tired of having so many faces.You can't really trust them because they are full of lies,not including their actual intention.You have to really choose friends carefully or else you will be really ended up used by people.Seriously I've meet these types of people here.
       Making friends is a tough job,searching for the other half is even tougher in here. P/s:I'm not single,but I just want to express my opinion.You do not know what's the opposite sex true intention,no matter guys or girls.They may want some companionship,or they just want your money.They are prone to 'trading up' as well.

#2:Life is really fast-paced here
After I came here,I finally understood something.From morning till night,people are just working and blinded by the need for money.It's tough to survive competition in a dog-eat-dog world.People are so stressed here,they are finding ways to reduce their stress.What I understood is why people smoke and drink alot here,including female as well.Well,I don't smoke,but I've tried drinking.People need something to distract them from the pain of reality.Drinking gives an out-of-the-world delusion for at least temporary,giving people instant relieve.Sometimes I'm too tensed up on studies,drinking really helps to improve the situation a little...LOL.So basically,people are resorting to things that can provide them instant relieve,before continuing their battle for survival.

#3:Competition are everywhere
People desire for luxury,money,authority and beauty.Indirectly,this creates competitions among people.Desire for new smartphones,new car,new clothes.Everyone is so concerned about their appearances,used up a lot of money to make themselves looking good.Buy sports car,driving proudly on the road and making other people envy.In there,money is king.Money can buy authority,money can buy power,money can buy influence.That's the truth.

#4:The bright side
Ironically,there are silver lining in every clouds.I've meet people who are serious in improving their standard of life.These people constantl.One of my aim in these 3 years is widen my networking with these people,it will be useful for my later in life.

That's for everything today.Hope you enjoyed it.And you may not agree with some of the things,because this is just my opinion only~Take care.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

11 Rules of Life 

#1:Life is not fair;get used to it.

#2:The world doesn't care about your self-esteem:the world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself

#3:You will not make $60,000 a year right out of high school.You won't be a vice president with a car phone,until you earn both.

#4:If you think your teacher is tough,wait until you get a boss.

#5:Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.Your grandparents had different words for flipping burgers,they called it opportunity.

#6:If you mess up,it is not your parents' fault,so don't whine about your mistakes.Learn from them.

#7:Before you were born,your parents' weren't as boring as they are now.They got that way from paying your bill,cleaning your clothes and listening

#8:Your school may have done away with winners and losers.This bear no slight resemblance to our lives.

#9:Life is not divided into semesters,you don;'t get summer offs and very few of employers are helping you to find out yourself.

#10:Television is not real life.In real life people actually have to leave the coffeeshops and go to work.

#11:Be nice to nerds,chances are you're ended up working with one.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Fear?Nothing is more scarier than being woke up at 4am every single morning,being told that we need to earn our living,earn money for the next meals.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Preparing for finals,right after Christmas.Urgh.
No tang-yuen,no Christmas celebration.Nothing.